Design of domain shapes
Fixing the principles and goals behind designing the
part of meshfreeFoam
library.2 minute read
A few design goals govern how MeshFreeFoam
shapes are implemented, with the most important ones being:
- Support for dynamically loaded models, starting from STL files
- Support for basic geometric operations (adding, subtracting, scaling, rotating, …, etc.)
- Support for physics on boundary patches as well as easy MPI comms
- Customizable boundary filler, supporting both single-layer and multi-layer filling
- Customizable rho-based inner fillers.
Also, shape classes store no actual grid data to facilitate geometric operations. Dedicated mesh classes will store point coordinates hierarchically.
graph LR grid -- as baseShape --> region1 grid -- as baseShape --> region2 region1 --> boundaries1 region1 --> interface region2 --> interface region2 --> boundaries2 boundaries1 -.- grid boundaries2 -.- grid interface -.- grid innerFiller o--o grid boundaries1 & boundaries2 & interface o--o boundaryFiller
Boundary Treatment
Initially, only single-layer boundary layers are implemented. Shapes only read the boundary’s interface type, which should be similar to OpenFOAM boundary patches.
At the time of writing, a few boundary types are planned:
for stationary walls.elasticWall
for “elastic” surfaces.freeSurface
for free surface interfaces.mixedBoundary
for mixed Neumann-Dirichlet boundary conditions.genericBoundary
for solving arbitrary transport PDEs on the boundary. PDEs are aggregated for later implicit solving with the whole system.
Here is a list of requirements on boundary patches:
- Awareness of how many sides (1 or 2). The second side can be imaginary if at the processor’s boundary.
- Access to the equation operator classes; however, this may result in circular dependencies.
- Access to neighboring inner grid points and data.