The unit tests pages are automatically generated from the test reports. Some important points to mention:
- The random number generator is seeded with the same seed for parallel/serial runs for the same test case.
- Number of passing tests is the “effective” one (including the ones that fail but are expected to fail)".
- Number of failing tests is the “effective” one (only the ones that fail and are not expected to fail)".
Serial unit tests for triSurfaceShape
in meshfree
library on [advectionDiffusion]
Tests were performed using Catch2 version 3.6.0
(rng-seed: 2786312302
) with the following filters: [serial] [advectionDiffusion] [#triSurfaceShapeTests]
1 Passing test cases (2 expressions), 0 Failing test cases (0 expressions).
triSurfaceShape: Constuction in 3D performs correct boundary registration - vector
Defined in triSurfaceShapeTests.C#13
With expressions:
From file triSurfaceShapeTests.C#24.
Belonging to the test section scoped as:
triSurfaceShape: Constuction in 3D performs correct boundary registration - vector
From file triSurfaceShapeTests.C#25.
Belonging to the test section scoped as:
triSurfaceShape: Constuction in 3D performs correct boundary registration - vector
Last modified May 29, 2024: feat: complete rework for the API and unittest docs (4788495)